We take a partnership approach to our business with Local Authorities helping set up new schemes and initiatives to achieve government targets and provide innovative temporary to permanent solutions that lead to significant cost saving to our partner Local Authorities and the taxpayer.

We can assist the Council with its objectives and provide substancial cost saving benefits to Local Authorities.

If you are a Local Authority and would like to discuss our unique partnership approach and innovative temporary accommodation schemes, please feel free to speak to our Local Authority liaison officer, on 020 8988 2838.


We take a partnership approach to our business with Local Authorities helping set up new schemes and initiatives to achieve government targets and provide innovative temporary to permanent solutions that lead to significant cost saving to our partner Local Authorities and the taxpayer.

We can assist the Council with its objectives and provide substancial cost saving benefits to Local Authorities.

If you are a Local Authority and would like to discuss our unique partnership approach and innovative temporary accommodation schemes, please feel free to speak to our Local Authority liaison officer, on 020 8988 2838.